Regular expressions

When a constraint type of Regex is specified, the corresponding constraint value is normalized as follows:

  • csv2shex will try to replace the value with a compiled Python regular expression for value.
  • If the value does not compile correctly (e.g., because it is malformed), csv2shex will replace the constraint value with None so as not to pass a bad regular expression to processes or applications downstream.
  • If no constraint constraint value is specified, csv2shex will leave it unspecified.
propertyID value_type constraint_value constraint_type
:status   approved_* Regex
:status     Regex
:status   approved_(* Regex
:status   /approved_*/ Regex
:status   ^2020 August Regex

This is interpreted as:

        shapeID: @default
        start: True
            propertyID: :status
            value_type: Literal
            constraint_value: re.compile('approved_*')
            constraint_type: Regex
            propertyID: :status
            value_type: Literal
            constraint_type: Regex
            propertyID: :status
            value_type: Literal
            constraint_type: Regex
            propertyID: :status
            value_type: Literal
            constraint_value: re.compile('/approved_*/')
            constraint_type: Regex
            propertyID: :status
            value_type: Literal
            constraint_value: re.compile('^2020 August')
            constraint_type: Regex


  • For the third statement, csv2shex drops the malformed constraint value and displays an error message:

    'approved_(*' is not a valid (Python) regular expression.
  • While regular expressions are commonly enclosed in forward slashes, csv2shex reads the forward slashes as part of the regular expression. In other words, re.compile(‘/NOW/’) will match the string /NOW/. Enclosing quotes will also be considered part of the regular expression, so a constraint value of ‘NOW’ will be normalized as re.compile(“‘NOW’”).

  • Regular expressions can include spaces.

  • The Regex constraint typically applies to a Literal constraint value, so where a value type has been left unspecified, csv2shex will assign to it the value ‘Literal’. However, where a different value type has already been assigned (eg, URI or BNode), csv2shex will leave the assigned value unchanged; the user is responsible for catching such errors.